Friday, July 27, 2012

In Sickness and Health and Yard Sales Hooray!!

     Today I want to recognize my best friend. She has been far and above what I deserve for the sins I have committed against her. Sure, I have been pretty good to her at most times, but there are also times when I have been beyond horrible. I have flat out told her about thing I was planning to do with other women when I'm manic, I have believed she was plotting against me, even believed she wasn't herself. I have been medicated to the point of being incontinent, and her reaction has been to get me help. or clean me up. When I've been scared she has listened. I have lost 3 good jobs now, mainly because of my illness, and still she stays. We have our ups and downs, but I do know she will be there, like she promised me she would be years ago. And I hope, in his infinite wisdom, God sees fit to give her a little extra joy for having put up with one of his damaged creations. I am truly blessed for God having sent to me someone with the faith of Job. I don't tell her enough, baby I love you.
     Now for this weekend, we have a yard sale planned, thank God for that. I will always celebrate taking four or five leaps backwards from being on an episode of Hoarders:Buried Alive; and making money at the same time. At the same time, I get to, by myself, take my two boys to a birthday party. It'll be fun, but to tell you the truth, I'd rather be at home selling as many things as I can for a nickle a piece. But I think the wife will do okay on her own. She always does. That's the good thing about my wife, weather it is old clutter in out relationship, or in our house, she always finds a way to sweep it aside and forget about it. Now if I could sneak a brownie of two behind her back, that would be perfect!!

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