Thursday, August 9, 2012

Emotions and feelings

Feelings. We all have them, all the same feelings. Being Bipolar, for me, makes all of the feelings much stronger, more raw, more enjoyable, basically like emotions on steroids.. My feelings tend to be on the extreme, I love deeply, get angrier for little or no reason, and sadness hits me hard too. And being bipolar means I have to pay close attention to my feelings; I have to feel guilty when I'm happy, concerned if I feel too much hope, because these all happen in mania too. Sadness, for me, does not worry me as much; I'd rather be depressed than manic or in a mixed state. Even so, I can get depressed over nothing, and too much sadness will be picked up on by my wife or doctor. I think the key to living with Bipolar disorder is how we manage our emotions, for we must feel them or we are reduced to little more than robots, and believe me, I have been reduced to a robotic state by medications I take. So there lies the main problem I have with my illness; how to feel emotions without be ruled by out of control emotions. I am learning how to do so, and I think that is the main problem that probably most bipolar sufferers face.


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