Wednesday, August 8, 2012


This blog is in response to Natasha Tracy's blog here.

Normal Definition:
In Psychology .
approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment.
free from any mental disorder; sane.

So is the definition of 'normal' in psychological terms. I believe that 'normal' is based on the way society views us, not the way  we view ourselves.
we view the world. Even by the definition of normal above, I would be considered normal 85% of the time at least. Now I do have my
quirks; my wife calls me her 'Sheldon Cooper', but I consider myself to be normal, if not a little better than normal
(there's the Sheldon Cooper part). Now I do know there are times that I am not normal; times when I perceive divine providence, God speaking to me, but
I am learning to differentiate the voices from God; I now believe God only speaks to your heart, not your brain. it is in these times that I am truly ill.
Most days I don't 'feel' bipolar at all, most days I am normal. Whether or not society sees me as normal or not, I perceive
myself as normal. So what if I'm a weirdo; I have a family that loves me, a roof over my head, and food to eat. I need little else,
and I don't seek societies approval of me. And I believe the world is a worse place for not accepting everyone who do not
conform to normalcy; imagine if Picasso cared if his paintings looked weird? What is Sir Issac Newton had wanted
to win a popularity contest. The world would be a very different place.
I think that any day I do not hear voices, am not paranoid that people are following me or plotting against me, and do not
cry all the time and can get sleep, is a really good day. That is around 85% of the time, and on good days, I am normal.

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