Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My worst nightmare

I wanted to share with you what my worst nightmare is. I am terrified that I have passed some undesirable qualities to my sons. I can see aspects of myself in both of them. I love them more than anything, and I don't know how I would handle knowing that I passed Asperger's of bipolar disorder to them. In a lot of aspects, the Aspergers is a worse fate; a lifetime of not understanding what you did wrong, wondering why people are mad, why they never speak to you. Wondering why you really have no friends. Even worse is reaching a point where you really don't care if you have friends. Not understanding concepts such as irony( I didn't understand it until my late 20's) And bipolar; the horrible terrifying experience of mania; but if the do have bipolar disorder, then they can control it to some degree. I can't control my personality, the very being I am; I don't think I can learn empathy, I think most people are born with it; I wasn't. I do know I will ensure my sons, if they become symptomatic, will be quickly taken to be evaluated. Maybe, just maybe, they can learn some of the skills I never did. That is my hope, but my prayer is that they will need it.

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